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Girard Youth Soccer League

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Apr, 2022

HEADS UP to Youth Sports: Online Training

Changing the Culture of Concussion Starts With You!

To help ensure the health and safety of young athletes, CDC developed the HEADS UP Concussion in Youth Sports initiative to offer information about concussions to coaches, parents, and athletes involved in youth sports. The HEADS UP initiative provides important information on preventing, recognizing, and responding to a concussion.
By taking this free, online course and using what you learn, you will be well positioned to improve the culture of concussion. Your actions can help create a safe environment for young athletes so that they can stay healthy, active, and thrive - both on and off the playing field.

This course will help you...

1) Understand a concussion and the potential consequences of this injury
2) Recognize concussion signs and symptoms and how to respond
3) Learn about steps for returning to activity (play and school) after a concussion
4) Focus on prevention and preparedness to help keep athletes safe season-to-season.

Once you complete the training and quiz, you can print out a certificate, making it easy to show your league or school you are ready for the season.

You will need to create an account and then choose the appropriate course for you.

HEADS UP to Youth Sports: Online Training